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 Natural Awakenings Lancaster-Berks

Tap Into the Healing Power of Scalar Waves

ReneWELL is now open at 258 West Franklin Street, in Womelsdorf. Their revolutionary Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) technology uses custom-installed computers to generate a bio-active energy field of scalar waves that facilitate an optimal environment for intracellular healing.

If cells are not properly charged, disease can occur. A healthy cell holds an electrical charge of between 70 to 90 millivolts, whereas diseased cells hold a charge below 20 millivolts. Through scalar wave technology and bio-photonic light, the EESystem gives a boost to the cells, keeping them at their optimal charge. Spending time with this technology is like recharging the body’s battery, imparting more strength, vitality and energy to thrive.

ReneWELL Health Coach Chris Mack says, “Recharging the cells in your body will promote your body to do what it naturally wants to do—heal itself.”

Cost is $80 per session or 10 sessions (20 hours) for $500, with specials available monthly. For more information, call 717-875-7237 or visit